Potsdam, in the transparent lab of the SYNTOPIC SALON –> SYNTOPISCHER SALON, 90 neurospora crassa cultures, petri dishes, acrylic sheet, 300 x 80 cm
90 GOBOTAGS have been grown in cultures of the model organism “neurospora crassa” and installed in a transparent „laboratory“ at the Neuer Markt in Potsdam. The laboratory here acts like an incubator for the tissue culture of the „between“ represented by the GOBOTAG. The “laboratory” separates the growing cultures from the clean, newly-renovated urban environment. Over a period of two weeks, passersby may observe these cultures forming the black outline of the GOBOTAG.
In cooperation with Manfred Gödel (biology), the institute of medical psychology, Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München and the Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Interdisciplinary discussion with: Manfred Gödel (Biology), Michaela Rotsch (Fine Arts), Ingeborg Reichle (Art History), Ernst Pöppel (Neurosciences) and passersby at the Neuer Markt about cultures of the “space between” and world views.
-> program: Syntopischer Salon, BBAW Berlin-Potsdam
-> Der Freitag, Kultur “Pilze sind spezielle Leute”, from Helmut Höge, 16. 08. 2012